From Chronicle: “Directing Glee club members in preparation for the production of ‘Brigadoon,’ May 29 and 30, is Theodore Piekos accompanied by Carol Horr, pianist. Rita Arsenault, William Gotha, Marilyn Quill, and William Griffin are singing in the play.
The page one article on events coming up for CHS seniors in Class of 1964 began: “Rounding their last bend . . . .” Indeed we were.
In less than seven weeks, we would graduate. During those weeks would be Class Day, Honors Night, the Class Banquet, the senior opera(?), the Senior Prom, and . . . oh, yeah . . . classes, papers, exams . . . as well as dates, parties, trips to the beach, etc. Sometimes, things got pretty hectic.
Among the highlights of the April 24, 1964, Chronicle:
— Brendan Montano and Janice Perry (page 1) get gold medals in the Massachusetts State Speech Festival
— Frank Hurley and Rita Arsenault (page 1) ready for lead roles in the upcoming Glee Club presentation of Brigadoon
— Paul Rieker (page 2) pens a column examining the efficacy of “trial by jury”
— John Dubiel and Bill Devlin (page 3) win superior ratings in the JETS (Junior Engineering Technological Society) Science Fair (“Once you’re a Jet . . . “)
— Richard Joseph (page 4) is a sensation as Satan (right) in the Drama Society’s presentation of the 14th century “The True Mistery (sic) of the Passion.”
— John Collins (page 5) begins his outstanding senior season as Cathedral’s fastest human
— Gene Ryzewicz (page 6) excels on a very different field, as he takes top honors at CHS in the National Prize Math exam.