“‘Look at the Child smile,’ muses Kathleen Modry in the role of Columbine, as Stehen Dreyer and Jeffrey Powers comply.” Chronicle caption.
The December 1961 Chronicle featured this photo at the top of the page, accompanying an article about a one-act Christmas play to be held on December 22. Mentioned in the article are cast members Dennis Trelease, Kathleen Modry, Jeffrey Powers, Stephen Dwyer, William (I believe it should be Robert) McCann, and George Shannon. Richard McGurk and Daniel Noonan were shepherds. Lighting was in the capable hands of all-soph crew Francis Liro, William MacDonald (sic), Steven Sullivan, and Paul Vey.
On page 4, this photo shows Richard McGurk displaying his winning project in the Room 303 geometry fair, explaining things to Robert Stroshine. Less than a month later, Richie McGurk was killed in a tragic accident. (See “Very early losses,” posted January 18.) Second place in the fair went to Brendan Montano.
Here’s the December 22, 1961, Chronicle