It was the summer of 1962. Top songs were “The Loco-Motion” by Little Eva, Neil Sedaka’s “Breaking up Is Hard to Do,” and “I Can’t Stop Loving You” from Ray Charles. The Class of 1962 graduated and moved out of the way so that the Class of 1964 could become juniors.

Kathy Modry, left, and Mike Reavey, top, took their place as officers of the Student Council. Ed Ferrarone and Monica Sullivan were senior officers.
Page one of the May 1962 Chronicle reported on graduation and had the picture above. (I wonder how long it took for a girl to become president or vice-president of Student Council.) There was also a report that John Sheehan had been elected secretary and Paul Donahue treasurer of Mu Alpha Theta, the “mathlete” society. In addition, Paul and James Leary were cited as classmates among the school’s winners in the UMass Prize Math Examination.
As juniors, according to an item on page two, we were to read, over the summer: Profiles in Courage, Crucible: Story of Chemistry, Pocket Book of O. Henry, Red Badge of Courage, Bridge of San Luis Rey, Please Don’t Eat the Daisies, Jane Eyre, and Submarine. (Remember that fantastic finish to Crucible? 🙂 ) Kathleen Ensign wrote a brief article on page three about altar boy capers, and Suzanne Babineau was mentioned in a note about scenery backdrop artists.
Page four was essentially devoted to recollections about Billy Wise, moving from 37 years as coach of football, basketball, and baseball at CHS to the role of director of physical education.
Classmates noted in the sports coverage on page five included Rich Murphy and George Shannon (golf); Gene Ryzewicz, Don Chase, and Tom Nolan (baseball), John Collins, Bill Fleming, and Bill Armstrong (track).
Classmates were starting to take leadership positions in various clubs and organizations. Page six reported that Bill O’Malley (Debating Society), Elaine Gelinas (Nurses Club), and John Dubiel (Radio Club) were to take treasurer posts.
In what approaches something you might see in the contemporary Onion, there is an item on page six with the headline “Senior Loses Cow in Middle of Road.” And it reports exactly that. Check it out.
The June 12, 1962 Cathedral Chronicle