The Cathedral High School Class of 1964 celebrated the 60th anniversary of its graduation on Saturday, October 5, at the Twin Hills Country Club in Longmeadow (owned and operated by classmate Attilio Cardiropoli).
Reunion Committee

L-R: Frances Veale Cornwell, Janet Boyer Hourihan, Patricia Kelley Conz, Anne Murphy Kellner, Trudy O’Malley, Maureen Springs Fontaine, Caroline Demers Tougas, Pater Mulvagh, Joan Hamel Sagendorph, Karen Lariviere Audette, Kevin Hourihan. Jacqui Artiano Ruest, Nancy Thompson, Tom Sheedy, and Bill Devlin.
Among the memorabilia on exhibit was a memorial to classmate Mark Rivest, who was killed in action in Vietnam. Mark was among three classmates killed in the war, the others being Charles Parsons and James Bogacz. More information here.
Seventy-seven members of the class, along with 18 guests, attended the reception and luncheon. Below is a list of classmate attendees in alphabetical order, with women classmates listed by maiden name.
Classmates and guests
Lynn Albano Bayeur
Josephine Albano Pellegrini
Rita Arsenault Spencer
Jacqui Artiano Ruest
Michael Baker and Patricia Baker
Ann Judy Belleville Rosso
David Bierschied and Mary Bierschied
Janet Boyer Hourihan
Raymond Brassard
Sandra Bruschi
Jane Buckley Peterson
Attilio Cardaropoli
Judy Cignoni McChesney
John Collins
Judith Cross Donahue
Judie Curto Hourihan
Caroline Demers Tougas and Paul Bernard
Bill Devlin and Jane Devlin
Mary Diotalevi Ryczek
Dianne Dillon
James Dion
Paul Donahue
Patricia Doyon Proulx
Mary Driscoll Commisso
Paul Dufresne
Joseph Fallon and Linda Fallon
Carol Ferraro McKay
Mary Fitzpatrick Brassard
Mary Foy Holmes
Margaret/Frances Garvey Talbot
Joanne Gatti Kendall
Doris Gaudette Leduc
Ernest Gaudette
Robert Green Jr. and Fr. Richard Riendeau
Joanne Hamel Sagendorph
Andrea Hayes LaPlace
Kevin Hourihan
Patricia Kelly Conz
Mona Klicka Daponde
Helene Lambert Salier
Karen LaRiviere Audette
Mary Lou Lattinville McCormick
Joanne Lyons Fenney
Maureen Lyons
Pauline Manning Baab
Ann Mattson
Robert McCann
Mary McDonald Kiddy and Richard Kiddy
Eva Mercier Dion
Peter Mulvagh and Charlene Mulvagh
Anne Murphy Kellner and Steven Kellner
D. Lynn Murray Kleindienst
Thomas Nolan and Noreen Nolan
Nancy Norris Gates
James O’Malley
Trudy O’Malley
Mick Ogulewicz and Cyndi Ogulewicz
Reid Oslin and Susan Tierney Oslin
Connie Piccirilli McCann
Gail Perodeau Carrington
Carol Phillips McCarthy
Maureen Pollard Hershel and Ray Hershel
Bob Pouliot and Pat Pouliot
Helen Reid Stewart
Andrea Saliba Ingham
Sandra Secchi Roy
Barbara Shean Lippert
Thomas Sheedy
Ron Somers and Maureen Somers
Maureen Spring Fontaine
Mark Sullivan
Nancy Thompson
Luke Turgeon and Ghislain and Robbie Turgeon
Louis Valley and Peg Valley
Francie Veale Cornwell and George Cornwell
Edmund Wallace
Theresa Yesu and Don Byrum
Reunion Committee members Donna Roy Kielbania Nodurf and Marion Johnson were unable to attend.
Photos taken by Patricia Baker, wife of classmate Mike Baker.
A page of photos from the reunion can be viewed via a link at the top of the page (“60th Reunion photos) as well as here. Click on each photo to enlarge.