Our class made its mark in the Chronicle‘s last Literary Supplement of junior year.
There must have been a poetry project in class, because nine classmates had poems on the front page of the supplement: Carol Horr, Robert Zielinski, Christine Lukas, Martha Noonan, Kathleen Morin, Gale Lemanski, Carol Carriere, Laurena Fielding, and Joanne Chmura.
Ellen Boissonneault, Judith Cignoni, Karen LaRiviere, Nancy Thompson, and Alma Allard continued with additional poetry on page two of the LS. Reid Oslin and Barbara Mooney changed pace with two essays, and Susan Benoit added a drawing (left).
Most of the May 1963 issue focused on the outgoing senior class. Nevertheless, page one reported on activities and successes of several classmates.
A contingent from Sr. Marie de Lourdes’s history/government classes attended a simulated UN Security Council meeting at Amherst College. Kevin O’Malley, representing the Soviet Union, presided over the mock Security Council during its morning session. Also attending were Claire Pratte, Bill Fleming, George Shannon, and John Moore.
Staying a little closer to home, 10 classmates went to the Massachusetts Youth Citizenship Conference held at Westfield State Teachers College. They were Paul Bueker, Joe Fallon, Patricia Manning, Patricia Matthews, Barbara Mooney, Reid Oslin, Paul Rieker, Mark Rivest, Bob Stroshine, and Kathy Williams.
Anne Nadeau was among the members of the CHS Better Business Club to visit Travelers Insurance Company in Hartford, according to a page one item. The group learned about the company’s “R.P.A. 501 electronic computers.”
It was noted, too, that Richard Bonneau and Paul Donahue would be attending a summer math program at Assumption College, Worcester, on grants from the National Science Foundation. John Sheehan was an alternate for the program.
Not surprisingly, Paul, John, and Richard also made the honor roll, Paul and John with first honors. Other classmates on the top rung were Ray Brassard, Eileen Carmell, Judy Cross, Dianne Dillon, Susan Hartley, Karen LaRiviere, Bill O’Malley, Claire Pratte, Gene Ryzewicz, and Barbara Shean.
The Panthers had an unbeaten stretch in baseball, page three reported. Hoping to grab the city title, CHS “bases its chances” on infielders such as Gene Ryzewicz, Tom Nolan, and Tom Dunn, and pitchers like Bob Fitzgerald. The JV team roster included Larry Maziarz, Reid Oslin, Bob Winship, and Louis Grondalski.
A page three article about a senior photographer for the Chronicle included a photo (right) of him taking a photo (unknown) of classmate Paul “Fuzzy” Dufresne practicing on the low hurdles. Another item, on the tennis “netmen” referred to Fran Liro and Gaetan Pelletier as “strong reserves.” Classmates on the golf team were Rich Murphy, Mike Bannon, Harry Dennison, James O’Connell, and Roger Kasmer, with George Shannon, Tim Swearingen, Robert Booth, and Tom Kenney on JV.
Page four included a feature on more behind-the-scenes personnel in the CHS stage scene. Gary Moran was pictured (left) applying make-up to a thespian and other classmates mentioned as make-up artistes were Bill Fleming, George Shannon, Bob Stroshine, Angelina Cardaropoli, Jacqueline Artiano, Joanne Gatti, Carol Kwasny, Elizabeth Malcolm, and Patricia Canning. Suzanne Babineau was cited for designing backdrops, and Paul Vey, Steve Sullivan, Fran Liro, Bill McDonald, and Bill O’Malley for amazing lighting.
Fr. Riendeau called out the following classmates for their participation in the Holy Week passion play: Peter Poitras, Patricia Ryba, Dennis Trelease, Bob McCann, Dave Guyer, Matthew Geboskie, John Auth, Bob Stroshine, Robert Menard, Karen McKeon, and David Rucinski.
Nine classmates were cited on page four for their success in the competition of the Eastern Division of the Junior Engineering Technological Society (JETS): John Trudeau, Bill Devlin, John Dubiel, Richard Bonneau, Fran Liro, George Shannon, Mark Sullivan, and Mark Roberts.
The May 20, 1963, Cathedral Chronicle

Page one

Page two

Literary Supplement, page one

Literary Supplement, page two

Page three

Page four