Our Student Handbook contained a lot of information. I’m sure we all had read it and knew it well. 🙂 It also provides a lot of context about our days and years at CHS. There were sections on
- School History
- Philosophy and Objectives
- Spiritual Development
- Intellectual Development
- Moral Development
- Cultural Development
- Physical Development
Opening the section on Spiritual Development was this picture of then-Rev. Timothy J. Leary. He later was named a monsignor. Wrapping up that same section was the “Pledge of a True Cathedralite,” beginning with “I pledge:
- To cooperate with divine grace in forming myself into a true and perfect Christian
- To think, judge and act constantly and consistently in accordance with right reason illuminated by the supernatural light of the example and teaching of Christ
- To be aware of the need of supernatural aid and desirous of obtaining it through prayer and good works, and above all through attendance at Holy Mass and frequent reception of the Sacraments
- To be clean in speech, in action and appearance, transcending all that is vulgar and unbecoming a Christian lady or gentleman
- To do honor to Cathedral High School by my dignity, publicly or privately observed, whether it be at official school functions or outside of school jurisdiction
- To possess the desire for increased learning, and the initiative to pursue it through exercise in clear, accurate and logical thinking under the direction of the faculty of my school
- To preserve the ideal of honesty in my own soul and in the souls of my school associates by scrupulous devotion to exclusively personal effort in school work
- To be respectful of the authority of properly constituted officers of government and willing always to make any self-sacrifice necessary to promote the common good of our community and the whole nation
- To respect and tolerate the rights and opinions of others regardless of race, religion, political affiliation or social standing
- To be loyal to my school, its directors and faculty, having always the best interests of Cathedral High School at heart and shunning anything that would bring disgrace upon it.”