How to . . .

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16 thoughts on “How to . . .

  1. Hope I did this correctly, my daughter just gave me an I-pad and I’m new to all this technology. I am living in Longmeadow and planning to attend the reunion.

    • Super! So glad you sent the response! Where in Longmeadow ? I am off Williams, on Academy.

      So glad you are coming! We meet for the reunion committee on the first Tuesday of every month at Holy Name social Center on Alden St a the x, if you are interested in coming. Francy Veale, Anne Murphy, Sue Hartley, Jackie Artiano, Tom Murphy, Bill Devlin, Maureen Sprimg, Nancy Thompson, Tom Hamel and others attend among others.

      Please come if you would like. I get there about 6:


    • I saw [Kathy Modry] at a reunion in 1993 and she said, “I knew you would be here!” Since we were in the same class, I was not surprised until it occurred to me it was a Georgetown reunion, not CHS. She was living in Cambridge. She is married to one of the Drew twins –Chris or Francis X. She hadn’t changed a bit…lovely as ever.

  2. I just happened upon the website, and found out what the date is for the Reunion. As I only get to Springfield once a year (usually mid- to late-September) the October date might just be impossible to attend. My husband’s Reunion in Westboro is scheduled for September 22nd! Haven’t been to a reunion since our 7th year! (Never notified of any). It would be great if I could attend this one.

  3. Apologies for the redundancy regarding Charles Parsons VV Wall link, I missed it earlier.

    Sending this primarily to change the Notify options I had neglected in the first post. Thanks.

  4. Just a short note to let you know that I am NOT dead. My name is on the “In Memorium” page, but I assure you I am alive and kicking.

  5. There is news here about a Christmas party held last December. Why wasnt the entire class invited and why wasnt there information about it? Also what about the 55th reunion?

    • Hello Judy,
      I don’t know why the invitation did not get to you, unless they did not have contact info. Please email Donna Roy Nodurf at She commented on the post, inviting all.

  6. My wife, Robbie, and I would like to attend the 60th class reunion in Longmeadow on October 5, 2024. Please contact us as to how to get reservations and to take our payment by calling 970-596-2215 or 970-901-7678. Thank you. Ghislain Turgeon

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