Almost 100 classmates are incognito, i.e., CHS has no information about their current address, etc.
If you are able to contact one or more of those on the list below, let them know we’d love for them to get back in touch. Maybe send them a link to this blog. They might not even know they’re “missing” and would enjoy renewing connections.
William Armstrong
Martha Axt
Joyce Barker
Beatrice Benton
Denise Bergeron
Joanne Blazejowsk
Huquette Brien
Janice Burns
Karen Carr
Ann Cavanaugh
Mary Clarke Donlon
Lee Conlin
Thomas Croteau
Joan Cummings Donaghue
Carolyn Cunningham
Barbara Deknis
Donald Dionne
Mary Donoghue
Peter Downs
Kathleen Drugan Ryburn
Frances Drummond
Margaret Dudek
Mariette Emond
Patricia Fitzgerald
Sandra Fogarty
Elizabeth Francesconi
Arthur Fredette
Diane French
Cynthia Garlock
Matthew Geboski
Gary Gilmore
Lisa Gonthier
Kathleen Gordon
John Guberski
Judith Guertin Crowley
Mary Harnois
William Hartung
Gail Heubach
Maureen Hodges
Casmira Holotka
Kathleen Kilbride
Barbara Lafayette
Jane Lamoureaux
Joyce Laughran
Roberta Lauzon
Robert Lavoie
Alcide Leitao
Tamara Leite
Jeanne Leland Hecht
Sheila Lemoyne
Suzanne Lovett
Judith Maher
Margaret Martin Abeid
Mary Martin Mason
Jeannette Mathieu
Kathleen McDonald
Carol McMeans
Kathleen Mitchell
James Montessi
Joann Moore
Peter Morin
Therese Morin
Margaret Morneau
Carol Moynahan
Linda Nickerson
Thomas O’Keefe
Martha Padilla
Linda Parisi Desrosiers
Mary Perrin
Loretta Perron
Janice Perry
Rose Marie Provost
Barbara Renaud
Mark Roberts
Suzanne Rouillard
James Ryan
Rose Santaniello
Maureen Shannon
Maryanne Skeiber
Mary Ulrich
Martha Webb
Nancy Williams
Kathleen Witkop Butler
Maryjane Wynn
Sandra Zirolli Setard
I’m alive and well. The alumni office certainly has my info, as I’m on their mailing list, and have donated funds in the past. Thanks for setting up this site!
52 Maplehurst Ave.
East Longmeadow, MA 01028
I think I can help find a couple of these who were also from Our Lady Of The Sacred Heart classmates. Quite a few OLSH alumni on the missing 100 list.
My old buddy, Bernard (Bernie) Quinlan is alive and well in Reno, NV.
Scott LeTourneau
I’m not missing. Lived in Chicopee, to South Hadley, to Wilbraham and now in Belchertown.
I now live in The Villages, FL. Kathleen Williams Silva
Hello Kathleen,
Sorry it’s taken so long to reply. I don’t monitor the site as often as I did at the time of the 50th reunion. This list was based on information from Cathedral. Glad you noticed and contacted us. Can you email me at I’ll then update people.
Bill McDonald
Hi Bill, My email address is listed below. Thanks, Mary Jean Wilson
I am Mary Jean Salzano Wilson
Hello Mary,
Sorry it’s taken so long to reply. I don’t monitor the site as often as I did at the time of the 50th reunion. This list was based on information from Cathedral. Glad you noticed and contacted us. Can you email me at I’ll then update people.
Bill McDonald