As seniors, we were reminded that money for invitations to graduation must be paid by May 25. There would be an assembly on Wednesday at 9, a talk on Father Pio, for freshmen and sophomores.The girls in the dance number of Brigadoon would have rehearsal in the cafeteria at 3.
This, and more, was in the Daily Bulletin for May 19, 1964. Click on the image at left to read. Was the Daily Bulletin how we learned of the daily goings-on at school? Was it read in the morning over the loudspeaker? Posted on bulletin boards? Read in our homerooms? All of these?
Thanks to Jacqui Artiano Ruest for preserving this mimeograph memory.
Thanks to Jacqui for keeping and sharing this memorabilia. I have no recollection of these Daily Bulletins. But that is just one more forgotten item to add to an ever growing list.