Sister James Martin, SSJ

SrJamesMartinThe Springfield Republican reported earlier this month that several members of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Springfield were leaving the Mont Marie Motherhouse, relocating to eastern Massachusetts as a cost-saving measure. Among them was Alice Kenney, 86, known to us in the early Sixties as Sister James Martin. (Thanks, Mick Ogulewicz, for pointing me to this information, and my apologies for being tardy in posting.)

This photo appeared with the article. Sister James Martin/Alice Kenney, who was in her early- to mid-30s when we were at CHS, is standing. How many other members of the faculty 1960-64 are alive?


If we need another reminder of time passing, the Mont Marie Motherhouse was the subject of much attention during our senior year at CHS. In the effort to raise funds for its construction, students conducted a magazine drive, which kicked off with a rally (PantherPix picture below; note the poster “Unite for the Black and White”). Ultimately, our class brought in the least(!), but overall CHS students exceeded the $30,000 goal by more than $25,000.


One thought on “Sister James Martin, SSJ

  1. Sister James Martin taught us . . . . . “What a Jolly Man Makes a Jolly Visitor” . . .and it sticks in our memories. Who remembers what it means?

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